*This Post Intentionally Manipulative*

Right: This woman is 51. She is Nigellea Lawson, a TV cook, who eats meat, butter, and desserts.
A shot of a celebrity in a Survivor-style reality game show without her makeup, in the wilderness, side by side with a red carpet shot of a woman two years her junior and taken during a Bruno premiere in 2009 is cute but manipulative.
The Gillian McKeith Photo has been airbrush into oblivion, whilst I agree the previous pictures taken on 'I'm a celebrity' were a little unfair, there is no doubt which star has aged better.
The younger one that doesn't work outdoors, yes.
update moar!
Oops! It's hard to bother when I spend all of my time sharing on the book of face.
They're both 53. And Ms. Lawson hasn't had the UK restrict her from lying about her credentials like "Dr." McKeith.
Yeah, the original was manipulative, but so was yours, equally. And neither prove anything.
They're both 53. And Ms. Lawson hasn't had the UK restrict her from lying about her credentials like "Dr." McKeith.
Yeah, the original was manipulative, but so was yours, equally. And neither prove anything.
Oh, so you managed to get the point! Good on ya, anonymous! ;)
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